Don't pick up already


Okay, people, let's talk here. Or not talk, which is the point I'm about to make.

If you can't talk to me on the telephone when I call, DO NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. I'm calling to talk to you, that's why I picked up my phone, dialed your number, and sat through the ringing of the phone, waiting for you to pick up. If you pick up, that indicates to me that you're ready to talk.

If you're not ready or available to talk to me, don't pick up the phone. You have voice mail. Guess what? I can leave a message on your voice mail for you to pick up at your leisure.

I know, I know. This seems to be a foreign concept to many of you - let a phone ring? Without picking it up?


Why not?

I do it.

If I'm talking to someone, on the phone, via IM or in person (shock, I know!), then at that moment, your call doesn't rate unless I'm expecting your call. If I'm EXPECTING your call, I'll let everyone else know that none of them rate over you before I answer that phone. However, if I'm not expecting your call, you can leave a voice mail. I'll listen to it. Really. I promise. Eventually.

So, let my call ring. DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE. I'll leave a message, and you can call me back.

Trust me, it's less offensive than your "Hello? Hi. I can't talk. I'll call you back later." answer. Can't talk? Don't pick up.


Run jump throw push


Today's velocity workout started out looking painful, and finished feeling painful. We went to the later morning class so that we could stop by Starbucken for breakfast, Kris being out of the nectar fiber of the gods food: oatmeal.

The workout was five rounds of:

60 vertical jumps
30 ball tosses
30 pushups
6 runs

The vertical jumps started with a single jump to place a bit of tape on the wall. After that, they were stand facing the wall and jump to touch the tape. I didn't realize that we could do these plyometrically, springing up as soon as we landed, bounce bounce bounce, and ended up pausing between each jump.

60 vertical jumps using all muscle and no physics = much much harder.

The ball tosses were also done facing the wall. WIth a medicine ball held at the chest, squat, then stand quickly, throwing the ball up against the wall, then catching it when it comes back down and returning to a squat position.

Pushups were normal. The runs were down and back, each length of 50 yards.

Kris managed to finish the workout. I managed three rounds. Three rounds of side stitches and near puking.

I'm going have to try to finish the workout tonight at the local school. Tossing a ball onto our house walls doesn't seem too smart from a structural integrity point of view.

Lazy day


Ah, a lazy Sunday. The bestest.

Maybe there's a lesson


"I purchased a few more spoons, because you said I could."

"What? No, I didn't, I said it was up to you."

"Which is the same as saying purchase more spoons."



"Besides, I needed a few more spoons since the dogs keep chewing on the spoons."

"Maybe there's a lesson there."

"What? Stop putting wooden spoons with cake batter at the doggie nose level?"

Crystal needs a blog


She needs to call it, "The Trying Times of Matrimony," not because being married to Nick is difficult. Being Nick, on the other hand, is. This month's adventure has solo skiing, unconsciousness, ski patrols, amnesia, hospitals, phone calls and a mad dash up to a mountain to pick up said husband.

Fortunately, no hypothermia in that story. You should talk to her about it. It's quite the story.

This adventure, along with last year's solo hiking adventure, would make me a paranoid wreck.

Oh, wait, Kris' adventures already do that.
