Tortilla press, in action.


Megan bought me a tortilla press, so we used it tonight at communal dinner (mmmmmmmm, tortillas - made the low-fat version instead of the full fat version, and they tasted surprisingly good).

With the press, instead of spending about 30 - 60 seconds per testales, we spent less than 15 seconds per (more like 5 seconds per), making dinner much more enjoyable for the cooks.

Downside? The hinge bolt is already about to give way.

How is it that the pictures look so crappy on the sidekick's screen, but turn out pretty well on the computer screen? Oh, yeah, crappy resolution on the LCD screen.

QotD: Game On

Guest Post Blog is shutting down. This is a post from Vicki's vox.

What was the last game you played?

If I interpret this very loosely, it was at the gym in a water class. The instructor had us running individual relays in the pool, out to the first set of stairs and back, then to the second set of stairs and back, to the island and back, and finally out of the pool at the other end and back. All of this in maximum 3 feet deep water. I thought I'd be really good at this, even though it was my first time in the class. HA! Of the 15 of us that competed, I was in the last 5. Well, so much for that theory! But it was loads of fun and I'm looking forward to the class on Friday.

Interpreted not so loosely, it was playing either I Spy or Sorry w/ Kitt, Sam, and Jackson. Tough playing w/ little kids since you want them to win, but you also want them to win fair and square. And, I for one, want them to be gracious about winning. "Hey, maybe next time it'll be you!" But then, I think the same goes for playing w/ adults. I do not like arrogant winners. It's a "game".

In the car with Bella


Okay, I'm really starting to like this sidekick. The data plan with this device is much nicer than the one I had with sucky-suck Cingular for the Treo. Not hat the Treo is so bad, but rather, Cingular is.

Kris and his new humidifer


Bought the last two in the store, but only because they were two for

one. House mold, here we come.

QotD: Written By Yours Truly

Guest Post Blog is shutting down. This is a post from Vicki's vox

If you could write a book about anything, what would it be about?

If I were to answer today, it would be about my life and how it's evolved. I'd tell about what it was like growing up and include maps to places that I liked going to, as well as photos of them. A storybook of my life.

(I was thinking about work earlier ... wouldn't it be fun if everyone in at the staff meeting shared an aspect of themselves that was little known? What makes these folks tick? Because they're certainly not interesting to work with, but they probably think the same thing of me!)

Anyway, MY book would include nutrition and the journey from meat-and-potatoes Indiana to nearly-vegetarian Arizona, as well as what-worked-for-me exercise tips.

It would not be a best seller. :)
