I hate the world right now


I unbelievably fucking hate the world right now.

I normally prepay my HOA dues three months in advance. The condo association switched management companies twice in the last six months, and in the switch lost one of my prepayments. I received a notice of late fees and liens from the new management company. The one to which I've already sent a prepayment of dues for the next sixth months.

Cingular bought ATT Wireless. Now all ATT customers are fucked. Royally. You can't add minutes. You can't change plans. You can't add a line. You can't get a new phone. Cingular says it's because you're an ATT customer. But no one answers for ATT customer service.

The city of Mountain View sets up traffic violation traps. My contest of a ticket I received in one of these traps failed, and now I have to appeal.

It's overcast.


Fucking snails ate all the new seedlings in my garden. The front yard and back yard are complete disasters. If the neighbors don't hate us, they should.

I prepay most of my credit cards. The one month I'm a day late with a payment, I still get a $39.00 late charge. Nevermind I had a credit for the last six months with this credit card.

I haven't been to a Super Happy Dev House in five months. I miss those guys.

I hurt. All the workouts have accumulated and I hurt. I can't take any anti-inflammatories for the next two weeks, so I can't stop hurting until I heal.

Then there's the coworker issue. And the dogs. And the house. And the laundry. And the projects.


Do you bruise easily?


She asked me from across the room. It was a reasonable question. She was dressed in her surgeon's scrubs, having just left one surgery and getting ready for the next, while talking to me in between the two.

I looked down at my legs, seeing the foot long lines of bruised flesh under my clothes where a friend's dog had jumped up on me, then slid down thighs, leaving trails of welts, not quite breaking skin. That dog weighed more than I do. My dogs, neither weighing more than forty pounds, leave the same marks.

"Do you bruise easily?"

When I was first learning how to play ultimate, I would come home with bruises on my arms from where I hit the disc trying to catch it. Back then, I rarely came home with less than a dozen bruises on my arms, more than twenty was normal. Any injury I had always seemed so much worse than it should. A sprained ankle, a jammed finger.

"Do you bruise easily?"

I think of all the weight lifting I've been doing, and how lifting weights causes micro-tears in the muscle fibers. How the reconstruction of these muscles makes them stronger. How tired and hungry I am all the time as I try to heal from all the new exercises I've been doing.

I look up at the surgeon and think of all the vitamin K I take because I bruise so easily, and wonder how much blood am I going to lose with this surgery. Will I notice the scars? Will I heal cleanly?

I respond, "Yes, I do."

Using Bharat's Time Turner


Much to my pleasure, I have finally found a project that interests me enough to begin using Bharat's Time Turner with it. I've installed a development environment on my laptop that means every time I have two minutes to work on it, zing! out comes the laptop, and I start working.

Because everyone knows I don't go anywhere without my laptop.

Gah! Two minutes wasted typing this up!

Inefficiencies of time


Had dinner with James Pine tonight. Somehow, I managed to convince him to cook for the two of us, and he barbequed pork non-ribs with some tasty, tasty sauce. Okay, the "convincing" was really just accepting his offer to cook, since he needed the motivation to clean up his apartment before Priyanka came home next week. The food was delish! Mmmmmmmm!

Only downside was that Pine kept the leftovers. :\

Also saw Tron for the first time in my life. And Cronus, which Pine said was in Spanish with English subtitles, but really was in half English and half Spanish with all the characters talking in their native tongues and the other characters magically understanding what was said. It was strange.

Pine, as always, had some choice quotes during the evening (recalling, he named my blog), the only I remember (because I SMS'd it to myself before drinking just under half a bottle of wine) happened after Pine commented that he can be patient when he needs to be. I expressed surprise, and he continued that, if it's in his best interest, he can be patient, but if there's a better, faster way to accomplish something, he won't be.

"It's not so much impatience, as the inefficiencies of time."

Bad, good, and bad good


So, apparently there are bad cancers, good cancers and bad good cancers.

Melanoma is considered a bad cancer. It's an aggressive cancer, difficult to treat and has a low cure rate. Other bad cancers include breast, ovarian, and blood cancers.

Basal cell carcinoma is considered a good cancer. It's easy to treat, typically balls into discreet tumours and has a high cure rate.

However, bcc doesn't always form with sharp edges. Sometimes the tumour sends tendrils out, and invades other cell areas. We'll call this the bad good cancers.

Apparently, this is what I have, the bad good. I won't know the extent of the tumour until the surgery on May 11th. The doctor said I can expect stitches from the middle of my eyelid to my temple. They'll be in six days before being removed.

I talked to my mom about the timing of the surgery before I scheduled it. The first available appointment was this coming Thursday, the 28th, but I won't be able to fly until the stitches are out, and absolutely not any exertion for two days (no ultimate for at least a week). So, the 28th would mean no Hawaii. Having it removed the following Thusday would mean no road trip with Paul, so that week is out.

The following weekend is my sister-in-law's college graduation. I'm torn about that weekend, because it's her graduation. But another week. This thing itches like mad. I don't think I can wait another week, especially mentally.

As I was waiting for the doctor today, I looked at my chart. I think most people don't bother actually looking at their charts. I was curious. The initial diagnosis was so casual. "Bumps on back." With quotes. Like I was imagining the bumps on my back and near my eye. Now everything I see has me wondering, is this cancerous, too? Should I have this looked at?

Thank goodness my zits and pimples are few and far between.
