

6:39 Bella stirs, and wakes me up. She does this every morning, without fail. She'll realize that, oh no! Annie is in the bed! Shock! Horror! She'll jump out of the bed, so that she can bark and huff and puff at Annie from the floor, then whine to get back into bed. What she has Here and now isn't good enough, not quite realizing that what she strives for isn't any better than what she has now.

I head into the bathroom. As I leave I hear mom stir. I try to go back to sleep.

7:30 I must have succeeded in sleeping, because I awake to Kris poking me. poke-poke-poke. I open my eyes. Kris is standing there smiling, dog leashes in hand, making sure I'm up before he leaves.


Poke poke.

7:47 I've avoided waking up as long as I can, yet still need to be ready by 8, I need to get up now. I need to get up now. I walk into the bathroom and realize I stink. If I can smell myself, it must be bad. I'm worried. I jump in the shower thinking, well, at least I won't have to shave for a couple of days.

8:00 Mom and Kris come back. I am standing in the living room naked, looking for new clothes to wear today. I need clothes I can bleed on and not worry about. I hear them walking up, and run from the living room to the bedroom.

8:15 We leave the house for the Starbucks, Kris in another car.

8:20 We arrive at Starbucks, to discover a line out the door. Kris comments he never sees the line this long. I reply, sure, but you never arrive before 9:40 am.

8:30 We leave to drive to Palo Alto. We catch each. and. every. single. red. light on Central until we arrive in Palo Alto. The world is trying to tell me to turn around and go home.


8:58 We arrive in Palo Alto, but I consider the original lot to be the wrong parking lot. We drive to the other lot, I pay my $1.50, and we head over to the medical office.

9:14 We check in at the reception. I have time to sit down, arrange all my crap around me, and open my orange juice before my name is called by the nurse. I drop my orange juice bottle lid.

9:20 We go back to the procedure room. I have to pee.

9:27 The doctor begins the procedure by numbing my face next to my right eye. My face goes numb. It feels like a migraine starting. I start quietly crying as I lie there.

9:30 Crying doesn't help, and is making things worse.

I stop crying.

9:49 I'm done. Mom and I head into the recovery room to sit for a couple hours. We're told to expect to head in for either another round, or repair surgery around 11:45.

I'm given an ice packe to put on my face: 15 minutes on, fifteen minutes off for the next few hours, to keep the swelling down. By this time, I have to pee, and pee really badly. I head into the bathroom, and go. As I'm finishing up, I note, once again, that my poop smells like my maternal grandparents'.

Gah. My period just started.

9:52 I put the pice pack on my face after my mom takes a few picures of my face. She says I look like a a beatup drunk. I laugh, and ask for more pictures. She compilies.

10:07 I take the ice pack off my face, and mom and I talk about sewing machines, quilting and needle point. I make it fifteen minutes before I need to pee again.

We talk about the new sewing machine, how it's $600 more expensive than Mom realized, but how she's really interested in getting it.

I am saddened by the fact that I can't afford to just buy it for her. I feel I should have been successful at this point in my life. I feel as if I have let her down.

I have let myself down.

There are two other patients in here with me: both of them in their sixties, near my mother's age.

I feel so young.

I feel so out of place.

I shouldn't be here.

I wonder what I could have done differently. The other patients are male. One has a spot on his ear, the other on his nose. Both agree he is glad he doesn't have his where mine is. I smile, and wish I didn't, too.

10:22 I hold the ice pack back up to my eye, and try dictating my experiences to Mom. Hearing the words come out my mouth, instead of in my head is hard. I edit myself.

I lose my voice.

I stop.

10:27 I balance the ice pack on my face while typing blind, hoping the editor stays open and the focus stays on the editor. I hope my words aren't lost by a computer glitch that my fingers don't notice.

Mom continues to embroider. We talk about nothing.

We start talking about Mom's mom.

Third of eight children. An athlete, she played baseball. A tomboy. She had a birthmark on her face that was the source of endless teasing. When something wore out, she threw it away. She threw away anything that reminded her of her failures.

My aunt immediately called her dermatologist when she heard my news.

11:15 The nurse comes in to tell me I'm one of the lucky ones. One in four people are clear after the first check. I am one of them. I'll be going in for repair surgery instead of another procedure.

I am glad. I start packing up myself.

6:00 The clock in the repair surgery room is set incorrectly. I no longer know what time it is.

The doctor gives me my options, and her preferences. I can leave the wound alone, allowing it to heal naturally. The healing process will take about three weeks to close, I may have an indent on my face.

I care little about the potential indentation. I care more about the healing time. Stitches means the the wound will heal in a week.

I should not exercise for a week.

A week.

I am allowed to walk.

I am not allowed to use stairs.

I look as if I have been beaten up. My eye is puffy.

I choose the stitches.

I can begin playing ultimate in a week, provided I wear safety goggles. I am not to do any exercise for the next two days. I can take Tylenol for the pain. She offers me a prescription for Vicodin. I say yes, thinking I can use it for the laser hair removal treatment.

After the stitches, I look exotic.

I look like Cleopatra.

I am still beautiful.

I am healthy again.

Should have gone to medical school


I totally should have gone to medical school, I tell you.

Maybe it's not too late.

I just received a statement from an appointment last month. I went to the office, waited close to an hour, talked to the doctor for ten minutes, then left. The bill for my appointment is for $325.00.

Let's do the math, shall we?

($325 / 10 minutes) * (60 minutes / 1 hour) = $1950 / hour.

Nineteen hundred fifty dollars.

An hour.

I'm in the wrong profession.

Annie's having a rough day


Annie is having a seriously rough day. Seems I passed my crap-this-day-sucks-the-infinite-w***-o'-g** onto the dog. I'm just glad that mini-curse of yesterday moved from me to something else.

Last night, when Kris and I arrived home from ultimate practice, Annie did her usual greeting: she ran outside to pee. Not sure where she picked it up, but her habit nicely complements Bella's "How. Could. You. LEEEEEEEEEave. Me?" howling. As I was washing my hands in the kitchen, I looked out the window to see Annie cycle between throwing up and eating her vomit. An interesting dichotomy I recommend everyone watch at least once.

I called for Kris, my very own vomit-cleaner-upper (they're his dogs when they puke, or pee where they're not supposed to pee (say, in my bed), and mine when they're perfect angels, which is to say, they're Kris' dogs), who cleaned up the mess, after we carefully analyzed the contents of lamb bone, plastic yogurt container lids, grass and, funny that, more vomit.

As Kris was cleaning, I fed Annie dinner, but she wasn't particularly excited about her rawhide bone dessert, opting more for the vomit that was "right here (right here!) just two minutes ago, I know because I puked it up!" She ran outside, then inside, then back out for a few minutes before she clued in that it was gone. She moped around all evening until bed.

This morning on our walk, Annie made it almost all the way home before needing to poop. Highly unusual for this dog, who is part whale in her water consumption abilities and part goat in her eating abilities. She usually poops halfway through the walk, or in the first 2 minutes of a run. Once she squatted, we knew why.

Three yelps and a cry of pain later, Annie managed one measly turd the color of the half dead grass in my front yard. Well, the part that has grass. More like weeds, really, the half dead weeds in my front yard. Kris looked up and asked me to make an appointment for him to take Annie to the vet to make sure she would be okay.

Having learned from experience, I immediately resigned myself to taking the dog to the vet this afternoon. "Make an appointment for the vet" always means, "Hey, I'm willing, but I have the long commute, so you take the perfect angel to the doctor for me, will ya?" Ever try to take a dog with really really bad smelling anal sacs to the vet's in a sports car? Nay, convertible?

Yeah, the leather seats smell of foul fish for weeks afterward.


So, off to the vet we go, leaving poor Bella howling, why can't I go, too? Gee, dog, do you really want something shoved up your butt? And then your butt squeezed? Come on, dog, shut up.

The vet's office was horribly backed up. Normally, I would just leave and come back another day. If it's going to take an hour to see me, I have better things to do with my time than wait an hour with a psycho dog who recognized the smells when we drove up, and immediately cowered in the passenger foot well.

There were lots of dogs to say hello to, so Annie was distracted for the first forty five minutes. The next fifteen she spent with her butt firmly planted in the corner of the examining room. She was not going to budge. No, her butt was not the vet's playground and no, she wasn't going to change her mind.

Too bad I outweigh her four to one.

I relayed the previous twenty four hours to the vet, who told me not to feed her bones (Kris!), as she shoved her fingers up Annie's butt. In an exclamation of wonder, she pulled them back out, with a turd in hand. Huh? I wondered in surprise. You can pull those things out? Why didn't anyone tell me when I was a kid that you can just pull your turds out?

I'm just glad I couldn't smell it. One small victory for a loss of smell.

Uh oh. A reader


Received an email yesterday, from a reader! Holy crap, I thought, someone besides my mom and Megan is here reading. (Okay, okay, yes, there are more readers here, but I can still count you all on one hand!)

What was funny about it was the content:

Date:    5 May 2006 22:09:28 -0000
From:    Roshan 
To:      kittAThodsdenDOTeye-en-eff-oh
Subject: no updates today????

how come? 

Funny to me, anyway, since I blog when I feel like it. The site is for me I hate when I edit what I'm thinking because I fear someone might get offended, which is what I think when I'm writing with readers in mind.

Mischief and famous numbers

Date:    Fri, 5 May 2006 13:45:21 -0700 (PDT)
From:    Kris McQueen
Subject: [MisChiEf] by the numbers

Ever wonder who else wears your number?  Here's a list of numbers worn my 
Mischief in the past, and (somewhat) famous athletes who have also worn that

#0:  Paul Youn, also Al Oliver, Orlando Woolridge, Olden Polynice, Eric Montross
#1:  Warren Schechter, also Ozzie Smith, Oscar Robertson, Tracy McGrady
#2:  Lisa Timmins, Adam Brown, also Derek Jeter, Moses Malone, Tommy Lasorda
#3:  Chris Doyle, also Babe Ruth, Dale Earnhardt, Allen Iverson
#4:  Kris McQueen, also Lou Gehrig, Brett Favre, Bobby Orr
#6:  Whitney Asher, also Bill Russel, Julius Erving, Stan Musial
#8:  Wes Chao, also Cal Ripken, Kobe Bryant, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Yogi Berra
#9:  Tim Tuttle, also Ted Williams, Mia Hamm, Gordie Howe
#10:  Emily Gautier, also Pele, Walt Frasier, Fran Tarkenton
#11:  Steffi Wu, also Mark Messier, Isiah Thomas, Phil Simms
#13:  Pei-Lin Hsiung, also Wilt Chamberlain, Dan Marino, Kurt Warner
#14:  Chucky Kennett, also Pete Rose, A.J. Foyt, Ernie Banks
#19:  Shirley Wu, also Johnny Unitas, Steve Yzerman, Tony Gwynn
#20:  Rick Buellesbach, also Barry Sanders, Mike Schmidt, Frank Robinson
#22:  Brynne Speizer, also Emmitt Smith, Clyde Drexler, Jim Palmer
#23:  Kyle Schleifer, also Michael Jordan, Ryne Sandberg, Don Mattingly
#28:  Bridget Harrison, also Marshal Faulk, Darrell Green, Sparky Lyle
#33:  Kyle Smith, also Larry Bird, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Patrick Roy, Tony Dorsett, Scottie Pippen
#37:  Kate Hutchison, also Casey Stengel, Doak Walker, Lester Hayes
#39:  Swati Agarwal, also Roy Campanella, Larry Csonka, Dominik Hasek
#42:  Mark Smith, also Jackie Robinson, Ronnie Lott, James Worthy
#44:  Heidi Smith, also Hank Aaron, Jerry West, John Riggins
#47:  Kitt Hodsden, also Tom Glavine, John Lynch, Jack Morris
#77:  Beth Liebert, also Ray Bourque, Red Grange, Lyle Alzado
#80:  Kevin Smith, also Jerry Rice, Cris Carter, Steve Largent
#83:  David Pickett, also Ted Hendricks, Andre Reed, Mark Clayton, Willie Gault
#99:  Keith Randall, also Wayne Gretsky, Warren Sapp
