"I just lost five inches."


"I feel so inadequate."

Turns out, TSA dropped his computer when they were inspecting his luggage. Like the TSA does anything worthwhile.

Mike and his new el-cheapo (read: least expensive) Mac.

So this is what mere mortals feel


When I was first learning to play ulitmate, my strategy was to run. Well, not a strategy so much as I knew how to do that part of ultimate, with the throwing and catching not so much. Run, I could do.

And so I did. I ran and ran and ran and ran. At one point, about three years into my ultimate career (well, one year into the part where I really cared about the game and wasn't just heading to the beach on Sunday with my coworkers), after a particularly long point at the end of the day, I walked off the field, grabbed some water, and huffed, "Man, I'm tired."

A.D. turned to me surprised. "I didn't think you got tired."

Which pretty much sums up my ultimate career. I couldn't go forever like Lisa can, and I'm not the Linda "Energizer Bunny," but I could play all day and still be running at the end of the day.

Until today. Good lord, I am out of shape. Ultimate today was really really really hard. The full size field and soft ground didn't help, but I'm glad I played for three hours.

These days, I keep thinking of an image I have of Mom's second husband Scott running around the junior high track. The track is grey limestone, and Scott is just running around the track, the image is of his running toward me as I walked clockwise around track. At that time, he was as old as I am now, plus or minus a year or two. As much as I compare my life to my Mom's (let's see, I'm behind three kids, the oldest two in junior high, the youngest nearly so, and in my fourth house - I have a lot of catching up to do), I compare myself more to Scott in terms of fitness awareness at this point in my life.

It's hard to imagine Scott playing ultimate.

About as hard as it is to imagine my not playing ultimate.

I think the fact that the rule in the house was "sports or a job" in high school (and sometimes both!) laid the foundation for being able to play sports into my thirties. Yeah, I sucked in junior high school sports, and hated high school sports with a passion (except football, being on the football team was cool), but, because I ran track then, I never stopped running. The disc came along, and now I had a focus for that running.

I think I'll keep running and playing ultimate. Even if I do get tired a little more these days.

Shifting is not cleaning


How is it that the three people who have clued in the most are 1000, 2000 and 8000 miles away?

I pulled another box out of the office and in a matter of minutes had it sorted and dealt with. Mere minutes! Visions of 30" monitors danced in my head as I went back to the office to get another box. This is going to be too easy, might as well get three!

Only to discover many, many things I had totally forgotten about (and hundreds of receipts I wish I had forgotten about) in the next box. That, and that the previous box was a total fluke.

I found early year business expense receipts (yay!), a free flight coupon on Southwest (nearly expired), ankle injury recovery instructions, medicine ball exercise sheets (two sets!), three decks of cards, my phone's user manual, and two paper grocery bags full of paper to recycle. To think I actually thought at one point I'd need the information contained on those sheets of paper! Was I daft?

I pondered at one point just moving everything to the garage and calling it done, when Kris replied, "Shifting is not moving, it's cheating."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. The point is to go through this stuff. I think I'll write that program to cycle through images so that I can tag them and pitch all of the remaining paper after scanning it. Of course, that requires having a large disk, possibly a RAID system, to store it all.

Funny how, to do A, I seem to have to go through B, C, D, E, F and G first.

Well, at least we're all official at work now.

Great Grand Office Cleanup, Day 1


I think Kris thought I was kidding. I don't know why he thought I was kidding. It certainly wasn't the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean that did it. Maybe it was the batting of the eyelashes? Perhaps it was the throw down, temper tantrums and spitting of fire that first clued him in.

Or maybe it was the first box removed from the office.

I cleaned out the first box. It was a small box. In it, I found four magazines I hadn't read (which will contribute to my one-magazine-a-day obsession until I get through all my old magazines), five catalogs from August that I hadn't seen (and which went into the trash), three tampons (how they got there, I have no idea, but I can now put off buying another box of tampons for four months since I have the next one covered), Chris Messina's business card from CivicSpace (which he gave to me at Cal's Flickr workshop), one pen, and 47 cents.

Everything was sorted, thrown out, scanned, and disposed of as needed. I also threw out the computer box for Kris' computer which he purchased a year and a half ago. I think he'll be keeping that one, so the box can go. You'd think.

Okay, so nominally one and a half boxes done, fifteen hundred forty three to go.

A productive day.

Meta me!



So, my Flickr photos are licensed under a Creative Commons license, though if you look at my photos I don't explicitly say so. The license means that so long as you don't change the picture, don't make any money off the picture, and keep my name attached to the photo, you can use it.

No, it's not the loosest license, but the one I'm most comfortable with at this point. Who knows what'll happen in 10 years. Once you release content into the wild, you can't take it back, or put it back in a bottle (or change a google verb into a copy-righted non-verb).

Imagine my pleasant surprise at the discovery that my photo of my index card lists is being used to display how handy index cards are in visual thinking tools.

The page is part of a series of pages, or modules, describing the tools, tips and techniques of using pictures to solve problems.

Because, you know, I'm unable to think without using my hands, so clearly I'd be unable to remember without notecards. Also known as "my brain."

