Upgrading on the fly.



Nothing like listening to the nags of someone who doesn't have to do the upgrade to force one to do an upgrade without sufficient prep work, which is what I did tonight.

Flying by the seat of my pants, I upgraded four web servers, fingers crossed, data backed up, breath held and well, jumping up and down on one foot waving beagles disguised as chickens over my head.

Well, the upgrade didn't fly completely straight, and I had a good twenty minutes trying to figure out what Debian MySQL configuration file upgrades would have caused the problem. I eventually tracked the problem to an overly zealous bind-address setting, and now all is well.

This weekend will be a weekend of work, but at least the server update nags will stop.

If only I'd make the restaurant reservations...

I crack myself up


Every since I had spent who-knows-how-long fighting with my original theme, I've been tempted to adjust my current theme regularly. I didn't until last month, and now I'm almost tempted to change them to match the upcoming holiday.

This one, for example, is so girly that I almost want to puke. Totally cracks me up! Ah, laughing about one's own website. The best!

Yay, CSS!

I'll probably leave this theme up until Valentine's Day, or until I actually do wretch from all the pink.

Pink! Mom tells me how, when I was a small person, I cried when she painted my room pink. I didn't want pink! Pink! PINK! PINK! The story cracks me up, because the first bedroom color I can be sure of is the white top, dark blue bottom colors of my room with the fan and the east facing window on Washington Street. Oooo! And the striped carpeting. And the Raggety Ann and Raggety Andy curtains!

I also slept in the front room at one point, but I can't tell you if the walls were green or grey or white or what.

Maybe if Mom logs in, she can tell me what colors those rooms were.

I fucking know already.


Good fucking lord people, shut the fuck up already.

Yes, I thrice-damned, fucking know the site map is broken.

No, you are not the first person to tell me this.

Yes, it's on my list of things to do.

No, it's not at the top.

Stop fucking emailing me about it. I don't fucking care.

No, this isn't for this site.

Random thoughts at 1:00 am


Even though meeting Matt was a big reason I went to Cal's Flickr workshop, I'm surprised at how much I randomly see him now. Take tonight, for example. I saw him at SFO. At 11:45 at night. Passing baggage Delta baggage claim #17. Wearing his light-brownish jacket. Looking really tired.

Did you know that you can have 280 North all to yourself at 1:00 on Wednesday mornings? It's true.

A skunk crossed my path on my drive home from dropping Heather off after picking her up at the airport (hence, seeing Matt). Does this mean I'll have seven years good luck?

I didn't hit it.


Something easy on the knees


This morning was my first deep water aerobics class. I've been looking for some form of exercise that might be easier on the knees that won't necessarily cost a couple grand (think, "elliptical trainer") or be too inconvenient (think, "the closest, best, most convenient two athletic facilities have closed in the last year"). Having looked at the local pool class listings off and on for the last few years, I figured until the new year fitness fervor ends at Powerbodies, I'd give it a go.

I covered the minor hurdles with the class (the foremost being, of course, buy a bathing suit), but had to cover the biggest one: be at the cold, cold pool at 8:00 am.

Did I mention the "cold" part?

I was so cold this morning, I had three winter layers on as I drove to the pool this morning. I wandered around the pool, figuring out the entrance location ("Hey, around the corner, hidden behind this outcropping seems like a brilliant place to put the gate, let's put it here!"), and stood looking quite lost at the poolside, arriving a miraculous five minutes early.

And, promptly froze my toes off.

One by one, the other ladies of the class wandered past me, into the locker room, then back out and into the pool. The look of confusion on my face clearly clued in the instructor, who introduced herself (Sharon) and let me know the gist of the class organization. Yes, it's cold. Yes, I want to bring a hat. Yes, I want to wear said hat in the pool. Yes, earmuffs are good, too. Yes, a synthetic shirt will also be good, not to keep me warm, but rather to keep the breeze off my shoulders.


And if I get too cold, move faster.

Into the water I went. Usually one to ease into the water, I pretty much splashed right in with the floatation belt secured tightly around my waist. I had the smallest one they had. It kept me afloat just fine.

After a few moments of perfecting my utterly-lost look, while I cavalierly squandering a part of my thermal budget, I met the first of the many class participants. Dori introduced herself and explained the general class outline: warmup, circle up for words, gradual build up of intensity in the workout as we exercized in one giant oval around and around and around the pool.

Nearly as futile as running around one giant quarter mile track: you don't really get anywhere.

As Sharon entered the water and started the warmups, most of the women (and, yes, they were all women, all older than I, and all either the previous generation or maybe 150% my size) gathered into small groups and started talking. Dori seemed most interested in exercising. She did the exercises with the highest intensity after Sharon. Dori and Sharon were also the fittest women in the pool as far as I could tell. I stuck with Dori and her explanations and intensity throughout most of the class, visiting briefly with other classmates as they welcomed me into the class. The previous newbie (Denise?) joined the class last September and has been trhilled with her increased flexibility. The class has been running for twelve years, I don't know if anyone has been attending that long.

After the hour was up, I hurried out of the pool and promptly froze my feet off. The cement is cold and that 80° water doesn't seem so cold when confronted with 45° air.

I have another class tomorrow morning, but I won't be making that one. I'm far too (pleasantly) tired from this first class, and will happily sleep well tonight after picking Heather up from the airport and dropping her off at home. Today will be a long, long day.
