Here we go!



The holidays are here! The holidays are here! I have nine days (nine days!) to complete some contract work and work on some personal projects. I am so unbelievably excited at this moment.

Kit? Kitt? What's the difference?


I'm amazed at the number of people who consistently spell my first name incorrectly. I can understand people spelling it incorrectly if they don't know me, but some of the people who spell it wrong have known me for a few years now.

The ones that really crack me up are the ones that use my email address, seeing there are two t's in my name


One. Two.

My last name doesn't begin with T, so there's no reason to think that my email address is my first name and the first letter of my last name.

And, as I don't work for Hodsden Enterprises, Inc., the Hodsden Foundation, or Hodsden Networks, I think there's little reason to mix up the domain name with that of my employer, CodingClan, LLC, the web development company specializing in PHP/MySQL web applications and (now, here's a shock) community websites using Drupal as a platform.

Two t's.





Think the David Hasselhoff show, Knight Rider, and the car: Knight Industries Two Thousand.

Oooo, now there's a thought.

Maybe not.

All I want for Christmas...


When I was four, I knocked out my two front teeth by tripping on a braided rug with a whistle in my mouth. It's a lovely story, one I tell often. My two front teeth (okay, it was one front tooth, and one next to it, not exactly the two front ones) didn't grow in until I was eight. Four years of school pictures with me sans front teeth.

I think my next vacation with Mom will be spent scanning in childhood photos of me. That'll be good for some laughs.

Because I had no front teeth, my dad was fond of answering the question of "What do you want for Christmas?" with "My two front teeth." That was the only answer he ever gave me for that question.

Although I have my Christmas list, what I'm really excited about is the week off next week to catch up on work stuff, complete some current projects and, if I'm quick enough, start some new projects.

And on that list are (well, those that I can recall anyway):

  • Move this site to my new server
  • Upgrade this site and add tagging
  • finish and launch
  • *use*
  • drupal module generator
  • drupal theme generator
  • drupal easy-install module
  • league-in-a-box
  • mirror module
  • cross-post module
  • word-a-day module
  • what-I'm-reading module
  • tada-list module (all AJAXified and pretty)
  • Copy all the Letters to my Children posts to their new location, which includes a new theme
  • and my first desktop application in years, a file tagger using the desktop to view and tag (and auto-detect) files (doesn't need to be images, can be anything), and auto-upload them to a file-hosting website
  • reduce the stacks of books to read from two to one stack
  • clean up the study
  • scan all the stuff from the box in the living room
  • DDD website and mailing list
  • clean out the garage
  • recycle much of the cardboard in the garage
  • order a new chipper/shredder
  • sleep

I know there are a hundred more projects. I think that last one is the one I'll most likely complete.

051221 - WotD: egregious

Book page


And it doesn't mean, "be like Greg."

From the December 12th 2005 issue of Fortune Magazine, titled "Delta's Chapter 11 Dogfight," discussing bankruptcy filings among the big airline companies:

'Mike Donatelli, chariman of the pilots union's Stirke Perparedness Committee, says of a Delta court filing that compared the union's strike threat to a murder-suicide, "Some lawyer came up with that.... To throw that term around in public after you've had airplanes hit the World Trade Center, hit hte Pentagon --- that's as egregious and cavlier as you can get."'

From the Merriam Webster online dictionary,

    conspicuously bad, flagrant

Liza, you can shower at my house


Yesterday at work, Mike and I started comparing city utility bills. His house is just down the street from me and nearly the same. The builder used only one floor plan in the construction of the development phase our houses were built in, customizing the houses by mirroring the floor plan, varying the roof styles among four choices, changing the window styles among four other choices and adjusting the distance from the street to the front wall. Other than those four choices, all the houses on our street are exactly the same.

Mike's and my house are remarkably alike. We have the same floor plan (no mirroring), with differing roofs, making comparisons in utility and repair costs quite easy. Exceptions in the "exactly the same" include decor (their house has been painted and they have new furniture versus our "not quite done, half finished maybe" painting in half the rooms and "70 year old former owner" style in the other half), landscaping (their grass versus our dirt) and order (the mildly OCD with cleaning spouse versus the mildly OCD with license plates spouse), and lot size (their house was a show house, so they have an extra four feet in lot width). So, when one asks the other, "What's your water bill?" a reasonable comparison can be made.

Our water bills differ by $20 a bill, which is $10 a month. "So I shouldn't complain about how high my bill is?" Mike asked. Nope.

But then we tried to figure out why his bill would be higher than mine. I immediately suggested the yard. They have grass to water. We don't. Our water bill goes up during the spring and summer when I garden, but it's offset by the lower gas bills, and our utility bills stay constant.

Mike disagreed, and offered the extra person, Liza, in his household as the extra cost source. Liza takes a bath at least every other day, and they fill the bathtub up to 6-8" for her to splash. Certainly that was the source.

I promptly disagreed, countering that I take nice, long, hot showers, we have seriously fantastic water pressure, and certainly use that much water every day, instead of every other day. So, bathing water was a wash, and there must be another reason for the difference, laundry perhaps?

Mike completely didn't believe me. No way. It's this much water! Your showers aren't that long (um, Mike, how do you know how long my showers are?). Plug the tub and see how much water you use.

So, I did.

As I stood in the increasing amount of cooling water gathering around my feet in the tub this morning, I couldn't help but wonder if this shower was going to be shorter than my normal shower. Surely, observing the water rise would affect my behaviour: my feet were getting cold. Maybe I would stay in the shower longer to prove my point, that I consume more shower water.

And what I wouldn't give to have a Living Machine like they do at Islandwood, to recycle all of this water I use each day. I'd totally use it on my garden. I wondered if I should switch to biodegradable soap, so that I could use the water in my garden anyway.

As I stepped out of the shower and took a ruler to the amount of water in my tub (8.5"), and realized I had actually taken a shorter shower than normal, I remembered how much my mom hated my long showers. Looking at the amount of water in the tub, I could appreciate why. It wasn't the water consumption so much as the cost to heat that water that cooled so quickly. To this day, I much prefer long, hot showers to quick just-to-clean showers most people seem to have.

So that she doesn't miss out on this simple daily pleasure, or even feel the slightest bit guilty about it, I figured I say this:

When you're old enough to appreciate this, Liza, please know that you can take long, hot showers at our house any time.
