051220 - WotD: evince


From the December 12th 2005 issue of Fortune Magazine, titled "Delta's Chapter 11 Dogfight," discussing bankruptcy filings among the big airline companies:

"While the Delta "family," as its workforce still calls itself, evinces plenty of hostility toward Grinstien's predecsoor Leo Mullin, the current management team has avoided most of the blame."

From the Merriam Webster online dictionary,

    to constitute outward evidence of, to display clearly, reveal

Fourth Amendment

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

U.S. Constitution, Fourth Amendment

Various endings

Various endings and their sources

-eratorVA, Arielschemerator
-sterNapsterFriendster, Dogster
-z0rAndy Smithandyz0r, blogz0r, kittz0r
-zillaMozilla?Bugzilla, Hudzilla

-storm, beginning: i-

Feedback a comin'!


Wow. That didn't take long! The new look has been up for about 8 hours now, and I already have feedback:

i like the doggie site ... this one looks a little dull compared to the yellow/green of the other. plus the dopey looking bella is entertaining. :)

Hi, Mom!

JKR is a beyotch


Okay, despite claiming I was going to disappear and read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last July, I hadn't done it. As work kept creeping up, I kept pushing off reading it, and pushing off reading it, avoiding all talk of the book with a loud, "LA LA LA LA LA!", covering my ears, and fleeing the room.

Late last week, I dumped the CDs for the book (unabridged, read by Jim Dale, highly recommended) into my car, and popped one in as needed when driving up to the City and back, as well as commuting to work.

Yesterday, it became apparent that I needed to finish the book, and finish it now. Although I'm hoping that completing the book, as I have just done, will open the flood gates for more reading (in particular the stack of books Mike has given me to read), I have this in particular to say about HP6:

J.K. Rowling is a complete beyotch.

WTF? What the heck was she thinking? She killed him off! I freakin', stupid, I cannot believe this, CRIED!

Sirius, fine, blah, blah, blah, the only people who cried on his death were Harry and JK. Wasn't enough, was it? NoooooOOOOoooo. Had to make the rest of us cry, too, was it? Well, it worked. And now I'm mad. Just plain mad.

And Kris is laughing at me now. Stupid book. Made me cry.
