Monkey on My Back


Chase has been ill for the last three days. He hasn't eaten since Saturday morning, had a fever Saturday night, and hasn't pooped on his walks since Saturday morning. I offered to take him to the vet today, since I watch him on Monday nights and noticed how he wasn't eating, wasn't pooping, and wasn't *shock* chasing the squirrels. The first vet appointment was at 10, which is also when I have a standing "prior engagement" so I cancelled my attendance and took the dog to the vet.

The vet doesn't know what's wrong with him, nothing obvious was wrong. He wasn't tender to the touch in the abdomen. Nothing was swollen. Nothing was red. He doesn't have a fever (anymore). He has no energy, unsurprising: I'm low-energy after not eating for 3 days, too. I sent him off for bloodwork and x-rays, and went back to working on the project I'm trying to finish by the weekend. After a bit, the vet called, told me I could pick him up, he was done with the x-rays, nothing obvious wrong, no blockages in his intestines (lots of gas, though). Of course. Such a beagle.

So, I went to pick him up from the vet, drop him off at the house, and immediately hustle off to the project I'm working on. I looked at my list of errands, my list of things I needed to do to be healthy, my list of things I had been leaving undone as I worked on this project. All of them had taken a back seat to the project I'm working on.

Just as with any job, any client work, I was deprioritizing my needs against the needs of the job. I was putting the work before my self.

I'm not the only one who does this. At the E4E conference this year, Jonathan and I were talking to Justin Searls about how when he was on a business trip, at the end of the business part, he felt compelled to rush back to work, even though he had travelled tens of thousands of miles and tens of hours to travel to where he was, always with that monkey on his back. He had to consciously choose to stay a few days, relax, and enjoy the new environment.

I know that monkey. I know that urge to do better, more, faster. I understand that deep seated belief that if I work harder and longer, that I'll be rewarded, even though I know, I KNOW, that monkey on my back is a delusion, that that belief in working hard and I'll be rewarded even though I'm not working on the right things or for the right people or at the right time is a lie, that my biggest regret in life is not going to be not working hard enough but rather not working so so much. I know these things and STILL I was heading straight to doing work for someone else.

I recalled the conversation with Justin and Jonathan as I started driving to the office. I recalled that I'm awful at taking care of myself sometimes. I recalled my health, and changed directions. I picked up my mail, hadn't done that in weeks. I picked up a prescription refill that needed refilling, hadn't done that in weeks. I picked up a healthy meal, instead of having the boxes of Girl Scout cookies I have stashed in various places, one in my bookbag. I spent an hour taking care of myself.

Yes, that monkey is still on my back. It whispers sweet nothings into my ears, my dreams. It has me subjugating my needs for someone else's profit.

I know this, and the more I remember it, the more I'm likely to stop rushing to work on the next thing. Time to start muzzling the little fucker.

Wounded Souls


So, the thing about music reaching the soul, is that it works only when the soul is open to the experience. A hurting soul understands the pain of another, and can hear it in the song.

Words can be the same way, I find. We have to be in the right place to understand them.

Even when those words come from absurd science-fiction book you're using to escape reality.

Nemesis Games

Book Notes

Okay, wow, now we're talking. Back into the Expanse world, and back into the Holden future.

After the last Expanse book, I was very very hesitant to read this one. I hemmed and hawwed about it, wondering if I was going to dislike the next one as much as I disliked the last one, and oh, that would just ruin the series for me, because I read a series until 2 in a row are bad, and then, nope, you can't recover.

Oh boy did this one recover. Loved this one. This one might have been my second favorite of the series. We follow Alex and Amos and Naomi and Holden as they have their adventures. We learn about them, their pasts, their futures, their fears.

The book still doesn't (books still don't) convey time scale well, but I think it works. We don't see how the days are filled on a spaceship (always, always, always fixing things), or how long time passes, which is fine.

Really really really liked this book, almost as much as the first one. Wheeeeeee! Can't wait for book six!

4 Women Walk Into a Restroom...


As I was sitting on the toilet in a stall today (YES, this is going to be another post that deals with shit - like, shit shit, real shit), and a woman opened the door of the stall next to me. She stepped into the stall, turned around, walked out of the stall, and into the next stall over. She did her business and left.

Before she was done, another woman came into the bathroom, walked into stall next to me, turned around, and walked into the stall on the other side of the stall I was in.

You might see where this is going.

Another woman walked in, walked into the stall next to me, turned around, walked out, walked into a different stall father down. The first woman had left by this point, so when the fourth woman walked in, walked into the stall next to me, walked out, and then went into the next stall down, I pretty much had had enough.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? What, you're going to get cooties by FLUSHING THE FUCKING TOILET? You are going to get those cooties if you shit in the toilet or don't shit in the toilet, if you flush it the same way, REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS IN THE FUCKING TOILET.


Who the fuck cares if it isn't your god damned shit? Your lily white ass is so precious you can't sit on the seat where someone else has pooped? Give me a fucking break.

Fucking prisses.

Deadlocked 1

Book Notes

Yes, I like zombie books. My delight with the genre started with Mira Grant's Feed / Newsflesh trilogy, and has continued through a large gamut of good to crappy zombie books. This zombie book is the first of an eight book series. It isn't long, it's a fast read (all of sixty-nine whole pages), and really, would be a great first part of, say, a longer story, say of eight parts.

It follows the story of David, who is in an office building when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. The plot follows his journey home, and his family's escape.

AND I AM GOING TO COMPLETELY SPOIL IT FOR YOU, if you keep reading this.

What I find very odd about the story is that the story, as told from David's perspective, has information in it about the beginning of the zombie apocalypse and its origins that he can't possibly know, BECAUSE HE DIES IN THE END. How the f--- could he know that the apocalypse was man-made and started with lots of needles poking people if he's dead?

Okay, maybe he's not dead in the end, though getting eaten by a hoard of zombies usually means dead in zombie books. David wasn't just bitten, there are several series that discuss how "bitten" could mean zombie fever, followed by a craving for blood/flesh, but a normal(-ish) person otherwise, he was eaten. Dead. Nothing. Nada.

Yeah, so, I'm not likely to read the rest of the series. The one was a quick fun read, though.
